Climate and Dynamics - D06102 - A new Greenland ice core chronology for the last glacial termination (DOI 10.1029/2005JD006079)

Andersen [K.K.] ; Bigler [M.] ; Clausen [H.B.] ; Dahl-Jensen [D.] ; Fischer [H.] ; Goto-Azuma [K.] ; Hansson [M.E.] ; Johnsen [S.J.] ; Larsen [L.B.] ; R5thlisberger [R.] ; Rasmussen [S.O.] ; Ruth [U.] ; Siggaard-Andersen [M.-L.] ; Steffensen [J.P.] ; Svensson [A.M.] ; Vinther [B.M.]

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