Special Section: Toward Reducing Cloud-Climate Feedback Uncertainties in Atmospheric General Circulation Models - D11S02 - Ozone profiles in the high-latitude stratosphere and lower mesosphere measured by the Improved Limb Atmospheric

Allaart [M.] ; Andersen [S.B.] ; Bevilacqua [R.M.] ; Braathen [G.O.] ; De Backer [H.] ; Deshler [T.] ; Dorokhov [V.] ; Ejiri [M.K.] ; Gernandt [H.] ; Godin-Beekmann [S.] ; Goutail [F.] ; Herber [A.] ; Irie [H.] ; Johnson [B.J.] ; Kanzawa [H.] ; Klekociuk [A.] ; Kobayashi [H.] ; König-Langlo [G.] ; Kyrö [E.] ; Litynska [Z.] ; Murayama [Y.] ; Nakajima [H.] ; Oltmans [S.J.] ; Randall [C.E.] ; Roscoe [H.K.] ; Saitoh [N.] ; Sasano [Y.] ; Sato [K.] ; Sugita [T.] ; Taalas [P.] ; Taha [G.] ; Tanaka [T.] ; Terao [Y.] ; Thomason [L.W.] ; von der Gathen [P.] ; Yamamori [M.] ; Yela [M.] ; Yokota [T.] ; Yushkov [V.A.]

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