Canadian Cryospheric Response to an Anomalous Warm Summer: A Synthesis of the Climate Change Action Fund Project "The State of the Arctic Cryosphere during the Extreme Warm Summer of 1998"

Atkinson [D.E.] ; Brown [R.] ; Alt [B.] ; Agnew [T.] ; Bourgeois [J.] ; Burgess [M.] ; Duguay [C.] ; Henry [G.] ; Jeffers [S.] ; Koerner [R.] ; Lewkowicz [A.G.] ; Mccourt [S.] ; Melling [H.] ; Sharp [M.] ; Smith [S.] ; Walker [A.] ; Wilson [K.] ; Wolfe [S.] ; Woo [M.-K.] ; Young [K.L.]

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