Aerosol and Clouds - D21203 - Nitric acid condensation on ice: 1. Non-HNO3 Constituent of NOy condensing on upper tropospheric cirrus particles (DOI 10. 1029/2005JD006048)

Gamblin [B.] ; Toon [O.B.] ; Tolbert [M.A.] ; Kondo [Y.] ; Takegawa [N.] ; Irie [H.] ; Koike [M.] ; Ballenthin [J.O.] ; Hunton [D.E.] ; Miller [T.M.] ; Viggiano [A.A.] ; Anderson [B.E.] ; Avery [M.] ; Sachse [G.W.] ; Podolske [J.R.] ; Guenther [K.] ; Sorenson [C.] ; Mahoney [M.J.]

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