Special Section: International Consortium for Atmospheric Research on Transport and Transformation (ICARTT): North America to Europe - D23S62 - Establishing Lagrangian connections between observations within air masses crossing the Atl

Methven [J.] ; Arnold [S.R.] ; Stohl [A.] ; Evans [M.J.] ; Avery [M.] ; Law [K.] ; Lewis [A.C.] ; Monks [P.S.] ; Parrish [D.D.] ; Reeves [C.E.] ; Schlager [H.] ; Atlas [E.] ; Blake [D.R.] ; Coe [H.] ; Crosier [J.] ; Flocke [F.M.] ; Holloway [J.S.] ; Hopkins [J.R.] ; McQuaid [J.] ; Purvis [R.] ; Rappengl ck [B.] ; Singh [H.B.] ; Watson [N.M.] ; Whalley [L.K.] ; Williams [P.I.]

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