Special Section: Intercontinental Chemical Transport Experiment-North America, Part I - D24S03 - Alaskan and Canadian forest fires exacerbate ozone pollution over Houston, Texas, on 19 and 20 July 2004 (DOI 10.1029/2006JD007090)
Morris [Gary A.] ; Hersey [Scott] ; Thompson [Anne M.] ; Pawson [Steven] ; Nielsen [J. Eric] ; Colarco [Peter R.] ; McMillan [W. Wallace] ; Stohl [Andreas] ; Turquety [Solene] ; Warner [Juying] ; Johnson [Bryan J.] ; Kucsera [Tom L.] ; Larko [David E.] ; Oltmans [Samuel J.] ; Witte [Jacquelyn C.]
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