Special Section: International Consortium for Atmospheric Research Transport and Transformation: North America to Europe, Part II - D10S18 - Influence of lateral and top boundary conditions on regional air quality prediction: A multiscale study coupling regional and global chemical transport models (DOI 10.1029/2006JD007515)
Tang [Youhua] ; Carmichael [Gregory R.] ; Thongboonchoo [Narisara] ; Chai [Tianfeng] ; Horowitz [Larry W.] ; Pierce [Robert B.] ; Al-Saadi [Jassim A.] ; Pfister [Gabriele] ; Vukovich [Jeffrey M.] ; Avery [Melody A.] ; Sachse [Glen W.] ; Ryerson [Thomas B.] ; Holloway [John S.] ; Atlas [Elliot L.] ; Flocke [Frank M.] ; Weber [Rodney J.] ; Huey [L. Gregory] ; Dibb [Jack E.] ; Streets [David G.] ; Brune [William H.]
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