Special Section: International Consortium for Atmospheric Research Transport and Transformation: North America to Europe, Part II - D10S30 - Aerosol-cloud drop concentration closure for clouds sampled during the International Consortium for Atmospheric Research on Transport and Transformation 2004 campaign (DOI 10.1029/2006JD007272)

Bahreini ; Fountoukis [Christos] ; Nenes [Athanasios] ; Meskhidze [Nicholas] ; Bahreini [Roya] ; Conant [William C.] ; Jonsson [Haflidi] ; Murphy [Shane] ; Sorooshian [Armin] ; Varutbangkul [Varuntida] ; Brechtel [Fred] ; Flagan [Richard C.] ; Seinfeld [John H.]

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