Effects of atmospheric dynamics and ocean resolution on bi-stability of the thermohaline circulation examined using the Grid ENabled Integrated Earth system modelling (GENIE) framework
Lenton [T.M.] ; Marsh [R.] ; Price [A.R.] ; Lunt [D.J.] ; Aksenov [Y.] ; Annan [J.D.] ; Cooper-Chadwick [T.] ; Cox [S.J.] ; Edwards [N.R.] ; Goswami [S.] ; Hargreaves [J.C.] ; Harris [P.P.] ; Jiao [Z.] ; Livina [V.N.] ; Payne [A.J.] ; Rutt [I.C.] ; Shepherd [J.G.] ; Valdes [P.J.] ; Williams [G.] ; Williamson [M.S.] ; Yool [A.]
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