Special Section: Intercontinental Chemical Transport Experiment - North America, Part II - Reactive nitrogen distribution and partitioning in the North American troposphere and lowermost stratosphere (DOI 10.1029/2006JD007664)
Singh [H.B.] ; Salas [L.] ; Herlth [D.] ; Kolyer [R.] ; Czech [E.] ; Avery [M.] ; Crawford [J.H.] ; Pierce [R.B.] ; Sachse [G.W.] ; Blake [D.R.] ; Cohen [R.C.] ; Bertram [T.H.] ; Perring [A.] ; Wooldridge [P.J.] ; Dibb [J.] ; Huey [G.] ; Hudman [R.C.] ; Turquety [S.] ; Emmons [L.K.] ; Flocke [F.] ; Tang [Y.] ; Carmichael [G.R.] ; Horowitz [L.W.]
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