D22304 - Vertical profiles in NO3 and N2O5 measured from an aircraft: Results from the NOAA P-3 and surface platforms during the New England Air Quality Study 2004 (DOI 10.1029/2007JD008883)

Brown [Steven S.] ; Dubé [William P.] ; Osthoff [Hans D.] ; Stutz [Jochen] ; Ryerson [Thomas B.] ; Wollny [Adam G.] ; Brock [Charles A.] ; Warneke [Carsten] ; Gouw [Joost A de] ; Atlas [Eliot] ; Neuman [J. Andrew] ; Holloway [John S.] ; Lerner [Brian M.] ; Williams [Eric J.] ; Kuster [William C.] ; Goldan [Paul D.] ; Angevine [Wayne M.] ; Trainer [Michael] ; Fehsenfeld [Frederick C.] ; Ravishankara [A.R.]

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