D00C17 - Overview of the Dust and Biomass-burning Experiment and African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analysis Special Observing Period-0 (DOI 10.1029/2008JD010077)

Haywood [J.M.] ; Pelon [J.] ; Formenti [P.] ; Bharmal [N.] ; Brooks [M.] ; Capes [G.] ; Chazette [P.] ; Chou [C.] ; Christopher [S.] ; Coe [H.] ; Cuesta [J.] ; Derimian [Y.] ; Desboeufs [K.] ; Greed [G.] ; Harrison [M.] ; Neese [B.] ; Highwood [E.J.] ; Johnson [B.] ; Mallet [M.] ; Marticorena [B.] ; Marsham [J.] ; Milton [S.] ; Myhre [G.] ; Osborne [S.R.] ; Parker [D.J.] ; Rajot [J.-L.] ; Schulz [M.] ; Slingo [A.] ; Tanré [D.] ; Tulet [P.]

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