Liste complète des notices publiques
Page 196/10227
- Editorial [La Météorologie n°23]
- Soobshcheniya o nauchnykh rabotakh po gidrologii : predstavlyayetsya v pezhdunarodnoyu assotsiatsiyeu nauchnoy gidrologii k XI general'noy assambleye mezhdunarodngo geedezichesnogo i geofizichesnogo soyuza
- 73 years on
- Quarternary glaciation and the post-glacial climatic fluctuations in the region of upper Urumchi Valley, Sinkiang
- A Comparative Study of Radiation Fog and Quasi-Fog Formation Processes During the ParisFog Field Experiment 2007
- Annales du Bureau central météorologique de France. Extraits, tirés à part
- Projet RHYTMME : déploiement d'un réseau de radars dédié à la gestion des risques hydrométéorologiques en territoires montagneux méditerranéens
- Robust trend estimation of observed German precipitation
- The crucial measurement.
- Climate and Dynamics - D17101 - Fine-scale study of a thick stratospheric ozone lamina at the edge of the southern subtropical barrier: 2. Numerical simulations with coupled dynamics models (DOI 10.1029/2004JD005737)
- Recent changes in the spatial distribution of annual precipitation in Israel
- A curvature effect on the critical Richardson number
- Numerical solution of problem of propagation of passive pollutants in a sfacoast zone
- Global fields of soil moisture and land surface evapotranspiration derived from observed precipitation and surface air temperature
- Reconciling discrepancies in the observed growth of wind-generated waves
- Upset for Milankovitch theory
- Linear and regressive stochastic models for prediction of daily maximum ozone values at Mexico city atmosphere
- Assessment of the benefits of extending the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission : a perspective from the research and operations communities : interim report [en] = Evaluation des bénéfices d'une généralisation de la mission de mesure des pluies trop
- Cours de gestion de l'infrastructure aéronautique.1ère partie