Liste complète des notices publiques
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- L'énergie chlorophyllienne
- Anomalies de température de surface de la mer et précipitations tropicales. Synthèse de quelques travaux récents portant sur les précipitations au Sahel et dans le Nordeste
- Compte-rendu des observations faites à Bar-le-Duc et sur différents points du département pendant l'année météorologique 1892 / Commission météorologique de la Meuse
- D21122 - An improved comparison of atmospheric Ar/N2 time series and paired ocean-atmosphere model predictions (DOI 10.1029/2008JD009817)
- Modality in ambient particle size distributions and its potential as a basis for developing air quality regulation
- City-wide sweeping a source for respirable particulate matter in the atmosphere
- Low-Level Cloud Variability over the Equatorial Cold Tongue in Observations and Models
- Special Section: Air-Sea Exchange - C08S15 - A surface renewal model to analyze infrared image sequences of the ocean surface for the study of air-sea beat and gas exchange (DOI 10.1029/2003JC001802)
- Interlinking of rivers : a climatic viewpoint
- Growth of monodisperse, submicron aerosol particles exposed to SO2, H2O2, and NH3
- Linking science more closely to policy making global climate change and the national reorganization of science and technology policy
- A scene radiation model based on four-stream radiative transfer theory
- Radar backscattering of microwaves by spongy ice spheres
- What causes the seasonal cycle of stationary waves in the southern stratosphere ?
- Transport of multiple tracers in variably saturated humid region structured soils and semi-arid region laminated sediments
- A sudden change in summer rainfall characteristics in Korea during the late 1970s
- Etude de la similitude des phénomènes hydrauliques.
- L'image de la terre : les satellites d'observation
- Trois empires balayés par le vent