Liste complète des notices publiques
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- [Phénomènes optiques observés à Paris en 1929 [Fait partie du recueil. Tirés à part dont le titre est le titre « [ Service physique et météorologique . Observatoires de Montsouris et de la Tour Saint-Jacques ( M. Louis BESSON , chef du service) » ]
- Bulletin d'information de l'Office national météorologique de France. [1re année], mois de juillet 1925
- Die Temperaturverhältnisse der Quellen : Eine Meteorologische Untersuchung : erster Band
- North Atlantic oscillation control of droughts in north-east Spain: evaluation since 1600 a.d.
- A new paradigm for assessing the role of agriculture in the climate system and in climate change
- In Situ Observations of the Microphysical Properties of Wave, Cirrus, and Anvil Clouds - Part I - Wave Clouds
- Aerosol and Clouds - D18201 - ORILAM, a three-moment lognormal aerosol scheme for mesoscale atmospheric model: Online coupling into the Meso-NH-C model and validation on the Escompte campaign (DOI 10. 1029/2004JD005716)
- Composition and Chemistry - D11301. Atmospheric mercury speciation and deposition in the Bay St. Franqois wetlands (DOI 10.1029/2003JD004364)
- Filter and impactor measurements of anions and cations during the first aerosol characterization experiment [ACE1]
- Rainfall magnitudes that have not been exceeded in India
- Intense convective storms with little or no lightning over central Arizona : a case of inadvertent weather modification ?
- A numerical method for integrating the kinetic equation of coalescence and breakup of cloud droplets
- An intercomparison of isentropic trajectories over the south atlantic
- O kolichestvennom uklade koehffitsienta turbulentnoj diffuzij v model'nye raschety chislovykh plotnostej malykh sostavlyayushchikh srednej atmosfery
- Spatial and temporal variation of sunshine in the Federal Republic of Germany
- Atmosphere-ocean interactions. Volume 2
- K beregam Antarktidy
- Note relative à deux ans de mesures météorologiques au Centre d'Essais des Landes