Liste complète des notices publiques
Page 9254/10238
- Anthropogenic amplification of precipitation variability over the past century
- [Les photos du mois] Février 2022 : Brise de terre africaine ; Coup d'oeil sur Tahiti
- Menace sur le vin : les défis du changement climatique
- La fréquence des sécheresses évolue peu
- Iakttagelser under en ballongfärd
- La pluie et le beau temps dans la littérature française : discours scientifiques et tranformations littéraires, du Moyen Âge à l'époque moderne
- A simplified bi-dimensional variational analysis of soil moisture from screen-level observations in a mesoscale numerical weather prediction
- A review of evapotranspiration estimates from tropical forests in Thailand and adjacent regions
- Analytical solution for groundwater flow in an anisotropic sloping aquifer with arbitrarily located multiwells
- Influence of forestry, environmental change and climatic variability on the hydrology, hydrochemistry and residence times of upland catchments
- Variance scaling in shallow-cumulus-topped mixed layers
- Forecasting the Christmas Eve storm 1997.
- Photooxidation of methylhydroperoxide and ethylhydroperoxide in the aqueous phase under simulated cloud droplet conditions
- A Strategy for Process-Oriented Validation of Coupled Chemistry-Climate Models
- Inferring Fall Attitudes of Pristine Dendritic Crystals from Polarimetric Radar Data
- Climate and Dynamics - D09105 - Impacts of climate change on streamflow in the Upper Mississippi River Basin: A regional climate model perspective (DOI 10.1029/2003JD003686)
- C 04012. Mass transport in gravity waves revisited (DOI 10.1029/2003JC002121)
- "Quasi-period" signal processing technique for Doppler sodar measurements
- Measuring system for the long-term monitoring of biosphere/atmosphere exchange of carbon dioxide