Liste complète des notices publiques
Page 10129/10238
- [Résumé climatique] Décembre 2022 à février 2023
- Restitution de l'attitude d'une fusée au cours de son vol
- Cold Extremes in North America vs. Mild Weather in Europe: The Winter of 2013-14 in the Context of a Warming World
- A Practical Approach for the Assimilation of Cloudy Infrared Radiances and Its Evaluation using AIRS Simulated Observations
- Enhancement of ENSO Variability by a Weakened Atlantic Thermohaline Circulation in a Coupled GCM
- Refining light-use efficiency calculations for a deciduous forest canopy using simultaneous tower-based carbon flux and radiometric measurements
- Influence of Surface Processes over Africa on the Atlantic Marine ITCZ and South American Precipitation
- The Sensitivity of Radiative Fluxes to Parameterized Cloud Microphysics
- Erratum //
- Dvukhmernaya model' dinamicheskogo zaseva konvektivnoj oblachnosti.
- Simulations of slowly moving tropical cloud lines
- The Madden and Julian oscillation and tropical disturbances in an aqua-planet version of JMA global model with T63 and T159 resolution
- Relationship between global solar irradiation and sunshine duration in Guadeloupe.
- Fog formation at Perth airport
- Ozone report puts us policy in question
- Special Section: Large-Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia (LBA) - LBA 9 Intraseasonal large-scale circulations, and mesoscale convective activity in tropical South America during the TRMM-LBA campaign (DOI 10.1029/2001JD
- Development of doppler radar wind data assimilation for the HIRLAM3D-var
- Le changement global de la planète terre : le forum mégascience de l'OCDE
- Les télécommunications spatiales dans la gestion d'une catastrophe